Dermaplaning and shaving are two completely different skin treatments with completely different tools to achieve completely different results! They both involve the use of a blade moving across the skin, that’s where the similarities end.
A shaving blade is a flexible blade designed to remove just the hair from the surface of the skin. The correct blade angle to use is 30-35 degrees, and the blade is flexible so that it ‘floats’ over the surface of your lubricated skin, similar to shaving your legs.
On the other hand, a dermaplaning blade is a rigid blade designed to exfoliate dead surface cells from the face. The correct blade angle to use is 45 degrees. In dermaplaning, an Aesthetician stretches the skin into small flat sections to match the blade so that it can clear away the hair with the first 2-3 strokes, then they begin to remove the dead skin cells with additional strokes.
The conclusion: a shaving blade can only shave the face. A dermaplaning blade (in the hands of a trained professional) exfoliates the face.
Regardless of how an individual is at dermaplaning someone else’s face, it is next to impossible to dermaplane one’s own face! We cannot hold the skin taut enough on our own faces, while holding the blade in the proper angle and we cannot see the contour of our own faces in a mirror.
If you have seen the “as seen on TV” offers for dermaplaning tools, you are not actually going to dermaplane with it. You are simply purchasing a tool to shave your face. In order to remove dead skin cells and actually exfoliate the face, schedule a dermaplaning session at Restoration MedSpa today to let a professional aesthetician handle that for you!
Restoration MedSpa offers dermaplaning and many other facial and skin care services designed to bring your best self to light. Schedule your complimentary consultation today!