BBL HERO® is the Swiss Army Knife of Aesthetic & Cosmetic Systems! It ensures Forever results are quickly delivered anywhere on the body.
How does it work? BBL stands for broad-band light. BBL reduces unwanted melanin and eliminates the fine vessels that cause redness. BBL is a proven technology but the new BBL HERO® technology creates even faster, more effective results. BBL HERO® innovations deliver 4x the speed, 3x the peak power, and 2x the cooling, creating greater capacity to treat more patients quicker and is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market. It takes years off the face, neck, hands, or almost any other part of the body!
Leading the region with new and innovative technology, Restoration MedSpa is the first in the area to offer this innovative procedure!
BBL HERO® treats skin conditions associated with aging and/or active lifestyles, including:
- Appearance of redness
- Sunspots
- Discoloration
- Uneven or rough skin texture
- Small blood vessels
To learn more, schedule a consultation at one of the convenient locations in Winston Salem and Greensboro.