How it Works

Title field

Before any neuromodulator treatment, we tailor your treatment plan during a thorough consultation. We discuss your concerns, goals, and medical history, and assess your skin. Once armed with the needed information, we craft your treatment plan and match you with the appropriate brand of neuromodulator, as well as the amount needed in each area of concern.

Our customized approach to neurotoxins

Before any neuromodulator treatment, we tailor your treatment plan during a thorough consultation. We discuss your concerns, goals, and medical history, and assess your skin. Once armed with the needed information, we craft your treatment plan and match you with the appropriate brand of neuromodulator, as well as the amount needed in each area of concern.

Pinned Left Right

(Note: Does not work quite right in Component Reference)

Similar to a left right, there is content on one side and an area for images on the other. As you scroll, the content scrolls like normal, and the image area gets pinned. When a new section of content is reached, it's related image will appear. On mobile, it stacks like a left right, with the image first, and content after, and repeats by section.

Label Name Type Notes
Heading Size pinned_left_right_heading_size select
Sections pinned_left_right_sections repeater